TagTalk - The World's First Crafted NFC Gift Tags

TagTalk - The World's First Crafted NFC Gift Tags

In 2014, I teamed up with two friends (Rachel & Collin) from University of Waterloo to devise a novel gift tag idea that I invented during a hackathon event at Blackberry. I set an ambitious schedule to deliver a fully functional prototype and launch a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter within three months.

The feature-rich and intuitive mobile app

Various styles of custom-made gift tags

The cloud funding campaign on Kickstarter

Package design for the gift tags

The campaign was launched March 15, 2014 and received many valuable feedback from our friends and sponsors. In the end we did not reach our funding goal so we pivoted to a different idea. Although later we decided not to continue that idea and make into a formal business, I greatly enjoyed the short but intense experience and felt satisfied that the project helped both of my partners afterward find their full-time jobs in Canada.

Find more information about TagTalk, check out the website http://www.tagtalk.ca